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Innovation Leadership And Strategy

The leaders put forward numerous initiatives to encourage employees to produce creative ideas, products, and services. The management in Maks Holdings, Company initiated to start to do all international standards of certifications and hold the concepts of innovation which allows the organization to build on ideas,create value, help transform teams and the organizational process as a whole. The innovation champions within the organization arrange 1-2 day highly experiential, customized programs that provide training & knowledge about ‘innovation thinking’ and give managers and leaders a dedicated “innovation coach” to help uncover new opportunities, define specific strategies for pursuing them, tap into personal potential, help foster a culture of innovation, and hone the most critical leadership behaviors for guiding their teams and organizations into the future.

The program includes presentations and highly interactive discussions with innovation industry experts and thought leaders. Following these programs, debrief sessions catalyze insights, reveal implications and prioritize key actions for advancing innovation and driving growth within the organization.

Innovation Structure And Planning

In Maks Holdings, innovation planning is divided into a few common steps: Firstly, staff are encouraged to give ideas, for that, suggestion-box systems are functional within the organization. That is where innovation begins. Once ideas are collected through a suggestion-box, team leaders organize team discussion or meetings. All the members are asked to write each idea they come up with on separate sticky notes. Then have the team create an “affinity diagram” on the wall or whiteboard by collectively organizing all ideas into columns of similar ideas. Now the drudgery begins! Then, the members review the entire list of ideas and agree on which ones to explore further. We have a consultant team for doing UAE And international level market research, existing customers, corporate companies, agents etc..

where we take continuous feedback and do changes from time to time whenever it's required, focusing customers with the international market too. Next, quantify the benefits of each selected idea to pursue and see how it fits with Maks Holdings strategy, mission, and objectives. Now team leaders estimate the business potential; the expected outcomes of implementing the idea. Now, the innovation team will first develop this “picture of the future”, the team decides on how to possibly go about the process. Once the innovation is applied, continuous examination is done by the innovation team for possible improvements to the process, product, or service.

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Innovation Management And Operation

The strategy Maks Holdings utilizes for implementing innovations is individual counseling, besides, rewards and focus groups play a significant role when implementing service-based innovations. A mix of execution strategies including implementation by persuasion, leader intervention, participation, and even edict are linked to service innovation success. Participative employee-centered implementation strategies emerged as the most critical in the diffusion of service innovations. Few steps followed by the innovation team to encourage innovation management with the process:

  • Clear personal benefits to adopt innovation or innovation thinking are communicated to employees.
  • Visible support from top management, i.e., innovations developed by headquarters tend to be implemented more widely.
  • Apposite resources are allocated to ease and ensure execution.
  • Support of Top management to collaboration between departments to help increase
  • implementation.
  • Top management should facilitate collaboration with the partner, When an external partner is involved.